7 Things I Learnt After 4 Years of Working That I Wish I Had Known Earlier

If you are new to the workplace, you need to know these.

Shan Yi Tan
5 min readSep 18, 2023
Source: Unsplash

1. Who you work for matters more than the job itself

This month marks my 4th year of working since taking off my graduation gown. I have only worked for two companies so far, and thankfully, I learned this early in my first six months of working.

My ex-boss panicked whenever people stressed him out, and he transferred the fear to his team. I knew my shit, so he treated me okay, but it wasn’t the case for the others in the team. I saw them struggle and were not appreciated.

Despite the saying, “What does not break you makes you stronger,” you shouldn’t waste your time working for a toxic boss if it is at the expense of your well-being.

When your mental and physical well-being deteriorates, so do your productivity and creativity. The growth opportunities you lost while working for a lousy boss are worth more than your salary.

Work for a leader, not a boss.

2. Curiosity brings you opportunities

Doing the same work wouldn’t help you grow exponentially. If you are doing what you have been doing…



Shan Yi Tan

A fintech product manager who runs creative projects and business after 9-5 | More manifestation and productivity at http://wondefull.com/